EP9648 | economy panelmeter
Product.Nr.: EP9648
Manufacturer: Senseca (ehemals Martens)
EUR 274,00
incl. 19 % VAT
product description
Due to the universal design of the input and simple programming the economy panelmeter EP9648 is suitable for many measuring tasks. As special highlight the device optionally offers automatic dimming of the display brightness. A built-in photo sensor measures the ambient brightness and corrects the light intensity of the display.
- Universal version for 0/4 mA to 20 mA, 0 V to 10 V and Pt100
- LED display 14.2 mm red, yellow, green or blue or 20.3 mm red
- Display range and decimal point freely programmable
- Programmable display interval
data sheet German (0.45 MB)
data sheet English (1.17 MB)
instruction manual German (1.46 MB)
instruction manual English (1.46 MB)
connection diagrams English (0.45 MB)
connection diagrams German (0.25 MB)